We have scheduled all of the team’s photo times (see below).
Photos will be taken in the Dodger’s Clubroom.
If a player is unavailable during their scheduled time, we can schedule them at one of the make up times noted.
If you wish to purchase a photo, prices are the same as last season.
Team photo $30 / Combo $30/ Single $15 / Family $15. To be paid at the time of the photo being taken.
(All Coaches will receive a complimentary Team photo.)
Players are to be in full uniform, bring their glove and favorite bat if they have one.
Be sure to liaise with your Coach for photo times. We envisage each team’s photos to take a maximum of 15 minutes.
Please arrive at least 5 minutes before your team’s scheduled time. Please be prompt.
To see examples of the various photos, go to https://www.clisbertcreations.com/ click on ‘Shop All’, then, ‘Dodger’s Baseball Club’.
Please be PROMPT. Thank you.