25 August 2021 PRE-SEASON EDITION 1
Our Club wishes to thank all our following sponsors for their support last season…we hope we can see them again for this coming season!
Please patronize our sponsors if you have a need for their services. Their patronage is greatly appreciated. See our website for more information
Hi Everyone,
We hope you all survived the winter’s weather and are ready to get started with our Preseason training sessions!
The Club’s new Board has been hard at work setting all in place for another fun time for all of us to play baseball this summer.
The League has asked Clubs to nominate their teams as follows –
Seniors due Monday, 6 September & Juniors due Monday, 13 September
(Women’s teams weren’t mentioned in the memo, but probably 6 September)
‘Nominations must be received by the nomination due date. For season 2021/22 there will not be any team entry nomination fees or late submission or withdrawal fines, however,
Baseball SA may impose penalties and use discretion to accept or reject team nominations made after the stipulated nomination date.’
If you will be absent at Preseason trainings due to winter sports or any other reason,
please be sure to let your coach know that you will be coming out to join the team.
Teams must be nominated soon – so don’t miss out.
SENIORS (Now referred to as the State League Competition) – using Main Diamond
Our State League Divisions 1, 2 & 3 are presently training at our Club grounds on Sunday mornings (10am – 12Noon) and
also, training indoors once a week at Mega Courts -working on their basic fundamentals and making batters hit the ball harder!
Head Coach DR says that he is pleased with the numbers turning out – looking good for the season ahead!
Senior State League Divisions (4 through 8) will commence their preseason trainings from Sunday, 29 August at 12 Noon until 2pm on the Main diamond.
WOMEN (Now referred to as the Women’s League Competition)
Their training sessions will also, start from Sunday, 29 August 2021 from 2pm until 4pm.
We are looking to, once again, nominate three WL teams.
JUNIORS (Now referred to as the Junior Competition) – Top Diamond
Junior training sessions will start on Saturday, 4 September (as a once off Saturday session due to Father’s Day conflict) and
from then onwards, Sundays from 12 September.
This will give us give us the six weeks needed prior to our first Junior games on Sunday, 10 October 2021.
Sessions are listed below.
U11s (ML) from 9am. – 60+ minutes
U13s (LL) from 10:30am – 90 Minutes
U14/15s (IL/JL) from 12Noon – 90 Minutes
U17s TBA
Weekday trainings will also start after mid-September when our days get longer.
All times are Subject to Change and weather permitting.
Below is the Age Matrix for this season, 2021-2022. It is used to find a player’s eligibility in the various divisions/age groups.
Find your League Age by using this chart.
We will be submitting Junior teams in the following divisions:
Minor League (U11s); Little League (U13s);
Intermediate League (U14s), Junior League (U15s)
and hopefully, Senior League (U17s).
For Dads/Mums that want to ‘play catch’ with their player (always a good thing to do 😊):
The Minor League Division will use a diamond with base paths of 60’/18.28M and a pitching distance of 43’/13.10M.
The Little League Division will use a diamond with base paths of 60’/18.28M and a pitching distance of 46’/14.02M.
The Intermediate League will use a diamond with base paths of 70’/21.34M and a pitching distance of 50’/15.24M.
The Junior League will use a diamond with base paths of 80’/24.79M and a pitching distance of 54’/16.46M.
The Senior League uses the standard regulation (Senior’s) diamond’s dimensions – base path 90’/27.44M and a pitching distance of 60’6”/18.45M.
Pitching distance is measured from the rear/pointy end of the Home Plate to the front of the Pitcher’s plate.
All measurements are made from the pointy end of HP.
Fees will be announced soon and BSA will have registrations open online from Wednesday, 1 September.
Further information will be on our Club’s website: <>
Come n Try dates:
Monday, 18 October & Friday, 22 October 2021
6pm – 7pm at Illyarrie Reserve, Surrey Downs: Dodger’s Home Ground
Games: 6pm-7pm
Start Friday, 29 October thru 17 December.
Re-Start Friday, 4 February thru 25 February.
Save the dates!
Start thinking about what you will be needing and get ready to place your order.
New uniform tops may take 4-6 weeks, so get in early.
More information will be forthcoming.
All teams need a scorer! It’s a fact! – no scorer, no game.
Scorers are an Official of the game and they are a necessary part of the game.
We will be holding Scorers clinics for beginners and as a refresher for all interested in this involvement with your player.
Dates and Times are being worked out, so stay tuned.
We look forward to seeing you.
It’s an easy task and fun to be involved!
This season, the League has asked each Club to appoint an Umpire Coordinator.
Because all Senior teams play on Saturdays, most BUASA (League) Umpires will be assigned to the upper grades leaving the
lower State League Divisions, Women’s League and Junior Competition games to be done by Club Umpires.
Hence this request.
The League is also asking that all Club Umpires be accredited as well as the Umpire Coordinator.
(This new GGCD position could be a shared position)
If you are interested in volunteering to umpire at our Club this season then, this is for you…
Use the link to the BSA website below, register yourself and receive an email with a link which will take
you to the brand new online umpire information and training material.
Please give it some thought to umpire our Club games and get accredited.
Thank you.
Our Winter Baseball Club, the Surrey Downs Winter Baseball Club, is having their seven inning GRAND FINAL game on
our Main Diamond this coming Saturday, 28 August from 12Noon.
The Expendables (Minor Premiers) will play The Mavericks.
Come out and cheer on your mates!
The Canteen will be open with Soft Drinks, Hot Dogs and Chips along with a complimentary Sausage Sizzle after the game!
Of course, the Bar will be open for refreshments. See you there!
Sponsorship is a very important part of our Club’s viability to help sustain our Club –
especially early in our season when we don’t have much of a cash flow for starting up expenses.
It’s an investment in our future and the community!
Our club depends on sponsorship – especially at this time of the year.
It’s up to ALL Club members to help locate companies or individuals willing to support our community’s sport.
Our sponsorship packages are below.
(We have held the cost of the Packages at the same values as previous years due the hardships caused by COVID.)
It’s your Club! – Keep it strong.
Contact me (Bob) or our Chair, Shaun, if you have a lead or need further information.
The Club is looking for a Cleaner to clean the Club on Mondays and Fridays.
Mainly to empty the bins and tidy up after the weekend games and after the Thursday Club Nights – also wipe down chairs and tables when needed.
Basically to tidy up the general clubroom areas.
Usually takes about an hour each time – including to sometimes mop the clubroom floor when needed and look after the Club’s inside toilet.
All materials and equipment are furnished.
Contact our Chairperson, Shaun Evans, if interested: <>
An honorarium is being offered to a willing Club member. (We would rather do this than hire a commercial company.)
Answer: the batter runner is OUT!
As long as the fielder has secure possession of the ball, he may tag the base with any part of his body or glove!
(Same as the 1B player touching the base with his foot when catching the ball in his glove.)
Be sure you know your team’s signals!
We look forward to seeing you all soon.
Stay safe and be sure to ‘Check In’
Bob Neiswander
GGCD e-NEWS Editor