▪︎ ▪︎ R O U N D 16 R E S U L T S ▪︎ ▪︎
DIV 1 TWILIGHT (27/1) GGCD 6 v Glenelg 5
Hits: Jake Campbell 3(1 x HR), Cam Keats HR,
Ethan Murphy 1, Josh Ledgard 1, Tom Walsh 1.
Battery: Brayden Caskey / John Inglis / Sam Bawden to Ethan Murphy
Note: It was Cam Keats first Div 1 HR and his first Div 1 ‘Walk Off’ Home Run! Congratulations!
Well done and Welcome to the ‘Bomb Squad’!
Jake Campbell continues to build his numbers in the ‘Bomb Squad”. Well Done, Jake!
LADIES DAY AT THE CLUB – A great day at the ballpark!
DIV 1 Game One – GGCD 3 v Northern Districts 0
Hits: Sam Bawden 2, Ethan Murphy 2B, Josh Conry1,
Isaac Pearce 1, Cam Keats 1.
Battery: Johnny Inglis to Ethan Murphy
DIV 1 Game Two – GGCD 7 v Northern Districts 4
Hits: Josh Ledgard 2 (1 x HR), Jake Campbell 2 (1 x 2B),
Josh Conry 1, Sam Bawden 1, Tom Walsh 1, Isaac Pearce 1.
Battery: AJ to Ethan Murphy
Note: Josh Ledgard has also increased his numbers of HRs in the ‘Bomb Squad’. Well done, Josh!
DIV 2 GGCD 10 v Northern Districts 0
Hits: Sam Bawden 2 x HR, Myles Payne 3(1 x 2B), Brayden Caskey 1.
Battery: Tom Norley to Ren Miller
Note: Sam Bawden is chalking up his numbers in the ‘Bob Squad’ with TWO HRs. Well done, Sam!
DIV 3 GGCD 14 v Northern Districts 6
Hits: Jamie Rix 3(2 x 2B), Alex Earle 2 (1 x 2B), Sean Maley 2,
Sam Martin 2, Kiel McShane 1, Will Lumley 1,
Battery: Nick Fowler / Alex Earle / Brice Fulton to Nick Wallis
DIV 4 (Matt’s) GGCD 11 v Dodgers 4
Hits: Brandon Diplock 2, Steve Whitehead 2, Duane Woolman 2,
Matt Burns 2B, Kirby Smith 1, Sam Tibbitts 1.
Battery: Brandon Diplock to Kirby Smith.
DIV 4 (Rick’s) DODGERS 4 v GGCD 11
Hits: Paul Ruston 2B, James Sheekey 2B, Liam Cranage 2B, Scott Coxhill 1, Rick Leonard 1.
Battery: Rick Leonard / Aaron Jerram to James Sheekey
DIV 5 – GGCD 18 v Woodville 4
Hits: Paul Knight 3 (1 x2B, 1 x 3B), Brett Smith 2 (1 x 3B), Peter Renfrey 2, Ash White 2, Scott Coxhill 2,
Gavin Payne 1, Duane (The Birthday Boy) Woolman 1, Jaxon Trembath 1.
Battery: Gavin Payne to Peter Renfrey
DIV 6 GGCD 9 @ Goodwood 3
Hits: Joel Pearks 2 (1 x 2B), Hugh Childs 2, Steve Conry 1,
Peter Moore 1, David O’Brien 1, Darren Jolley 1.
Battery: Scott Miller / Steve Bottroff / Peter Moore to Jono Daley
DIV 7 Blue GGCD 12 v Sturt 12
Hits: Matt Price 3 (1 x2B, 1 x3B), Sean Davies 3,
Jack West 2, Gary martin1, Kieran Homes 1, Mikyla Payne 1.
Battery: Kieran Homes / Mikyla Payne to Aaron Boddey
DIV 7 Red GGCD 14 @ Glenelg 15
Hits: Aaron Cox 2 (1 x 2B), Stuart Mathews 2 (1 x2B), Brandon Carr 2, Nathan McGrath 2,
Hayden Carr 2, Scott Howden 2, Phillip Kirk 1, John Rigamy 1.
Battery: Scott Howden to Stuart Mathews // Stuart Mathews to Aaron Cox
WBL DIV 2 (Dip’s) DODGERS 3 v East Torrens 21
Hits: Katie Carpenter 2, Michelle Hallam 2B, Sienna Burns 1, Leeanne Rix 1.
Battery: Katie Carpenter / Bree Rix / Jo Burns to Rachel Tibbits
WBL DIV 2 (Ethan/Ron’s) GGCD 17 v Glenelg 8
Hits: Kristen Webb 3 (1 x 2B), Michelle Nicholls 3 1 x 2B), Bianca Purvis 3, Georgia Murphy 2(1 x 2B),
Mia Murdoch 2, Shaelie Martin 1, Jay Galmesa 1, Mikyla Payne 1.
Battery: Mikyla Payne / Mia Murdoch / Michelle Nicholls to Georgia Murphy
WBL DIV 3 (Rob’s) GGCD 17 @ Glenelg 18
Hits: Janine Weeks 3(1 x2B), Helena McShane 3, Sam Pullens 2,
Rebecca Miller 2, Mel Brett 2, Jodie Walsh 1, Leanne Trimboli, Drew 1
Battery: Helena McShane / Miller to Mel Brett // Mel Brett to Janine Weeks
15/2 (Greg) GGCD 3 @ Glenelg 11
Hits: Noah Rodgers 1, Zac Tibbits, Jordan Miller 1, Mackenzie Barnes 1.
Battery: Jordan Miller / Aaron Smith to Lucas Manson
14’s (Bob) GGCD 6 v Southern Districts 15
Hits: Blake Ung 2B, Hudson Appleton 2B,
Darcy Ludgate 1. Harrison Barnes 1, Austyn Hickman 1.
Battery: Aedan McGarry / Jackson Hallam / Brodie Milne to Blake Ung.
13/1’s (Dip) GGCD 12 @ Southern Districts 13
Hits: Yugi Weeks 2 (1x 3B), Lincoln Diplock 2, Ryan Hanatschek 2B,
Lucas Hart 1, Matheson McLean 1, Mia Trimboli 1, Mitch Lamont 1.
Battery: Zac Tibbits / Yugi Weeks / Owen Hughes to Matheson McLean
13/2 (Danun) GGCD 13 @ Henley & Grange 11
Hits: Zac Kenny 1, Archie Oliver 2, Harrison Manson 2B,
Ayden Barr 1, Ryder Wasserman 1, Hamish Passmore 1.
Battery: Kiara Burns / Ayden Barr / Zac Kenny to Harrison Manson.
13/2 (Jase) DODGERS 2 @ Adelaide 15
Hits: Liam Trembath 1.
Battery: Lawyer Hosking / Flynn / Aidan Hicks to Liam Trembath
11’s (Shane/Michelle) GGCD 1 v East Torrens 6
Hits: Olivia George 1, Oscar Aspinall 1.
Battery: Cruz Caruso to William Dennis / Noah Mahar //
Olivia George / George Aspinall to Noah Mahar
11’s (Matt) DODGERS 7 @ Goodwood 5
Hits: Mitch Crebbin 1, Levi Burns 1, Ashton Diplock 1, Owen Birratt 1.
Battery: Ashton Diplock to Levi Burns
// Luke Horton / Mitchell Stevens to Mitchell Crebbin
// Mitchell Stevens to Liam Brennan.
Awarded at our Home games
(and their winners from Auction Night)
• DIV 1 – (game 1) John INGLIS
• DIV 1 – (game 2) AJ VERASTEGUI
《bought by Jake SHOTTON》
• DIV 2 – Sam BAWDEN
《bought by Harry BASTIAN》
• DIV 3 – Jamie RIX
《bought by the WALSH’S》