Our Club wishes to thank all our following sponsors for their support THIS season
Please patronize our sponsors if you have a need for their services. Their patronage is greatly appreciated. See our website for more information
Hi Everyone,
Our Div 1 team have a BYE this Saturday while our Div 2 and Div 3 teams play at Gawler.
Our Div 8s will play there too from 9am.
Div 4s and Div 5s play away at Adelaide while our
Div 6 and Div 7 teams play at Home against Playford City.
Friday, Ethan’s Div 2 Women’s team play Adelaide at Home from 6pm while our
WL Div 3 Dodgers (Dipper’s) play away at Glenelg. Our WL Div 3 GGCD (Scott’s) team has a BYE.
On Sunday, our U17s (SL) play Port Adelaide at Home from 11am.
Our U15/1s (JL/1) are also at Home playing Port Adelaide. Our 15/2s (JL/2) have a BYE.
Our 13/1s (LL/1) play also play Port Adelaide at Home.
The 13/2s (LL/2) GG Centrals (Matt’s team) play a Derby v Golden Grove CD (Danun’s team) at Home.
Shane’s 13/2 (LL/2) Dodgers GGCD play at Gawler.
Our two U11 (ML) teams will have an early start as they both play at Southern Districts from 9am!
The Dodgers (Bianca’s) play on Diamond 2 v Orange Hawks and
the GGCD (Janine’s) team play on the LL diamond v Southern Blues.
Good luck to all and have FUN!
Runners on first and second…two outs. The pitcher throws a wild pitch in the dirt.
Can the batter run to first on the ‘dropped third strike’ rule?
Our Club is very fortunate to have recently received a $5000 donation for Junior Development.
Its only condition is that it be used to promote Junior development and not for the Club’s baseball equipment.
Brett Laing, a Senior player from past years and having played with some of our current Coaches/players, has done very well with
his company, Enviro Sweep. As a Director and taking over the Finance and Administration area, he has taken the company from strength to strength.
Check out their website: <>
The funds will be used to subsidize our Junior Academy, assist with funds for our Charter and State Players,
to support our Tee Ball Program and Junior Coaches – and any other areas assisting our Juniors’ developments.
He has pledged to gift us this money annually for the development of our Juniors!
This gift shows just how much the culture of our Club is valued and his desire for our Juniors to develop.
Thank you, Brett Laing!
Selections and Stir Fry!
Div 6 players will be serving for only $5.
Don’t forget to buy a raffle ticket for the meat tray!
Great value for a $1…if you win it 🙂
NOTES FROM GAVIN (Director of Equipment, House & Grounds)
1. Please, if something gets broken or needs repair, please let Gavin, Shaun or me know so we can get it fixed.
(FYI-The handle on the Main Diamond’s ‘Tamper’ has been fixed and ready for use again.)
2. When using the batting tunnels, please pick up all the balls and return them to the hopper!
Please don’t step over them to pull down the roller shutters.
(BTW- The handle has been replaced on the front roller shutter)
3. While speaking of the tunnels, please make sure batting tees, helmets and bats are stored inside the Iron Mike shed.
Thank you.
4. Thanks to Gary Martin who each week, comes into the clubrooms and bags up the baseballs for each team’s Home game.
He does this for all of our 20 teams for when playing at Home. Thanks, Gary!
1. Thanks to Roger Prime, our Div 7 Coach and most senior ex-player (76) for painting all the lines on our diamonds! On ya! Roger.
2. If you can spare a bit of time or if you arrive early, grab the Weeder Hoe from the Equipment shed and hoe up some of the grass growing in our cut-outs.
If you only do even one part of a cut out, it’s a blessing.
3. And of course, thanks to Gavin for mowing and maintaining both of our grounds.
He puts in a lot of pride and effort to make our grounds look as great as they do.
If you can assist, ask him what you can do for him -and your Club.
Keep up the good work, Gav! You make us proud.
The 50 Club is back!
This popular Club fundraiser is BACK! 50 numbers for $50 each.
Pick your lucky number between 1 and 50 for a chance to win $700! Second prize is $300 and third prize $100.
Once all the numbers are sold, there will be 10 draws for $50 each on Thursday nights at 8pm.
Winning numbers will go back in the pot for another chance to win.
The Final Draw for the top three prizes will be a REVERSE DRAW! 😊
On that night (yet TBD) all those holding a number will have free drinks until the money runs out!
Always a fun night for the Reverse draw!
Get your ‘number’ at the Bar before they are all sold out and join in the fun!
With two outs, the batter can run to first.
IF there were only one or none out with runners at first and second, the batter is OUT.
(Parents; Please let your players know this rule)
Our T-Ball program is up and running for another season with a growing number of players having fun on Friday evenings.
We have also had a good turn out from our Juniors completing our Umpire Clinics to Umpire the games as well.
We have started off with all four of our U8 teams with a full complement of players having 10-12 players each.
Our four U10 teams are looking for just a few more players to fill out their rosters. Most have 9 players, but one has fewer ☹
If you know of any 8 or 9 year olds wanting to join in the fun, please let me (Bob) or Evelyn (Our Secretary) know!
A big ‘Thank You’ goes out to all the mums and dads getting involved to Coach and support our teams!
Go Dodgers!
BEST ADVICE: Always say ‘hello’ to the umpire behind the plate, make him feel like a positive part of your game.
He may give you the ‘edge’ you need.
Below is no way to play! They are human too!
Have a FUN weekend! -and remember to please ‘Check In’!
Bob Neiswander
GGCD e-NEWS Editor
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