24 FEBRUARY 2022
Our Club wishes to thank all our following sponsors for their support this season…
Please patronize our sponsors if you have a need for their services. Their patronage is greatly appreciated. See our website for more information
Hi Everyone,
We are getting near the pointy end of the season with only a few more games to go in the Minor Round.
Most teams will have their last games by 6 March, but our Div 1’s last round is at Home v Sturt on 12 March 2022.
Some of our teams are already in the playoffs, some are on the cusp of joining and some are out there still having fun. 😊
Good Luck to all for these last Minor Round games and enjoy these final moments of summer baseball!
Our Presentation Events dates have been established and now, Team Trophies are to be nominated.
Each Coach is to nominate three of their players for a trophy for titles of their choice. Time to start thinking, coaches! 😊
Please send your players names and trophy titles to Scott Coxhill our Director of Administration at <> .
Situation: Runner on first and no outs. The batter smashes a line drive back up the middle.
The pitcher stabs at it with his glove hand, but only manages to deflect it onto the ground toward second base.
The second baseman charges in to field the ball as the runner from fist, accidentally collides with him.
The second baseman had a legitimate chance of retiring the batter-runner.
Who is out?
Our Senior Presentation Date and Time has just been announced!
To be held on 1 April 2022 at the Plaza Hotel from 6:30pm
Tickets and Booking details are coming soon.
Our Junior Presentations will be held at Waterworld on Saturday, 2 April 2022. (Times TBA)
It will be a great Family Event as our T-Ball players and fams will be invited also!
All Junior teams will be presented at that time with their trophies, medallions, photos and vouchers.
The awards will be held on FRIDAY, MARCH 18 at West Beach.
The Baseball SA team are working on event details and will bring these to you over the next couple of weeks.
The awards are presented to the best players in each Junior division for the season.
They are determined by Umpire votes cast after each game.
They cast votes for the top three players in each game ie 3 votes, 2 votes and 1 vote in that order of performance.
The top 10 vote getters will be announced sometime after the end of the Minor Round of matches.
The Seniors will find out their awards at the Baseball SA’S MVP event, The Capps Medal Dinner in March.
ATTENTION ALL Dodgers Ladies!…This is your day!
Come along and enjoy your Special, Fabulous Day!
Mum’s, wives, girlfriends, mates, aunties and Nans are all invited to attend.
Happening this coming Saturday, 26 February 2022 from 3PM.
Come on down to Dodger Town to have some fun in your own VIP area as our Div 1 squad take on Port Adelaide.
Liv has been working hard to make this another enjoyable and fun event!
Make her a happy person with your attendance!
Get your tickets at the bar or pay online:
-$35 drinkers / $20 non-drinkers.
Wear yellow in support of Endometriosis Australia & get ready for a fabulous event
Don’t miss out on this fun day!
There are 11 South Aussie players currently playing college baseball in the USA this year.
Two of them are from our Club!
Josh Ledgard: He is playing at Ancilla College in Indiana.
Josh was our Div 1 Home Run hitter before he left for the states last year.
In his first year at this Junior College, Josh is off to a hot start.
Through four games, he’s hitting .455 with 1 HR and 3 RBI. Go Josh!!!
Ethan Badcock: He will be heading to McCook Community College in Nebraska for the start of their season.
Ethan is one of our Div 1 pitchers and we wish him all the best for this great experience.
We have had three other players at our Club who previously have been to the states attending University.
Jake Campbell, John Inglis and Kynan Skein are all players in our Div 1 team who have brought back their skill set learned from attending University in the states.
If you’re interested in attending a University in the states, have a chat to them to see how they did it.
All great guys.
Our Div 5 team will be providing our meal on the night – Chicken / Bacon Burgers and Chips for $5.
Don’t miss out on this great Dodger’s Meal Deal.
Don’t forget to get your NUMBER in the RED ‘50 Club’ fundraiser.
Your lucky number can be purchased at the Bar. Lots of numbers are still available.
The Reverse Draw will be held for the BLUE & RED games on Saturday, 12 March.
The fun will start sometime after our Div 1s last game of the Minor Round v Sturt at Home.
Don’t miss out – get your number for a fun time.
There is also, a two- hour drinks package for all involved on the night. 😊
It will be cracker of a night!
HEADS UP all Scorers! The unsung heroes of our game!
The Club will be hosting a Special Event for you to show our appreciation for your commitment for scoring all our games!
Everyone went above and beyond during this challenging season.
With so many teams and games being played across the board,
it’s been great for so many of you helping out when needed.
Save the date: Wednesday 9th March, the club will put on a ‘Scorers Get Together’,
arrange for pizzas and a drink to say ‘Thank you’ to all the scorers who would like to come. Time TBA.
It will be relaxed environment and you can debrief on the season and
swap stories about those difficult plays to score 😊
It’s the least we can do to show our appreciation to your hard work and efforts.
The Surrey Downs Winter Baseball Club will be having their first game on 7 May 2022.
Roger Prime, The Commissioner, is once again hosting our Winter Baseball Competition for this winter season.
All games are Saturday arvo at Illyarrie Reserve with game times 11:30am and 2pm for a proposed 14 game season.
It is a casual baseball program all about having fun and low cost. We call it ‘Picnic Baseball’ – just show up and play for a bit of fun. Give it a go!
If you wish to nominate a team or find a team to play in,
contact Roger at <> or 0412 023 538.
The runner is obligated to avoid the second baseman in the act of fielding a deflected ball.
Call the runner out and award the batter-runner first base.
TIP OF THE WEEK – Be sure to know the Third Base Coaches’ ‘signs’; he works hard at it!
Have a great weekend.
Bob Neiswander
GGCD e-News Editor